Friday, July 30, 2010

Top Ten Most Common Feminist Myths

From the Independent Women’s Forum;-

The Ten Most Common Feminist Myths:

1. Myth: One in four women in college has been the victim of rape or attempted rape.

Fact: This mother of all factoids is based on a fallacious feminist study commissioned by Ms. magazine. The researcher, Mary Koss, hand-picked by hard-line feminist Gloria Steinem, acknowledges that 73 percent of the young women she counted as rape victims were not aware they had been raped. Forty-three percent of them were dating their “attacker” again.

Rape is a uniquely horrible crime. That is why we need sober and responsible research. Women will not be helped by hyperbole and hysteria. Truth is no enemy of compassion, and falsehood is no friend.

(Nara Schoenberg and Sam Roe, “The Making of an Epidemic,” Toledo Blade, October 10, 1993; and Neil Gilbert, “Examining the Facts: Advocacy Research Overstates the Incidence of Data and Acquaintance Rape,” Current Controversies in Family Violence eds. Richard Gelles and Donileen Loseke, Newbury Park, CA.: Sage Publications, 1993, pp.120-132; and Campus Crime and Security, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, 1997. *According to this study, campus police reported 1,310 forcible sex offenses on U.S. campuses in one year. That works out to an average of fewer than one rape per campus.)

2. Myth: Women earn 75 cents for every dollar a man earns.

Fact: The 75 cent figure is terribly misleading. This statistic is a snapshot of all current full-time workers. It does not consider relevant factors like length of time in the workplace, education, occupation, and number of hours worked per week. (The experience gap is particularly large between older men and women in the workplace.) When economists do the proper controls, the so-called gender wage gap narrows to the point of vanishing.

(Essential reading: Women’s Figures: An Illustrated Guide to the Economic Progress of Women in America, by Diana Furchtgott-Roth and Christine Stolba, published by the Independent Women’s Forum and the American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C. 2000.)

3. Myth: 30 percent of emergency room visits by women each year are the result of injuries from domestic violence.

Fact: This incendiary statistic is promoted by gender feminists whose primary goal seems to be to impugn men. Two responsible government studies report that the nationwide figure is closer to one percent. While these studies may have missed some cases of domestic violence, the 30% figure is a wild exaggeration.

(National Center for Health Statistics, National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 1992 Emergency Department Summary , Hyattsville, Maryland, March 1997; and U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Violence-Related Injuries Treated in Hospital Emergency Departments: Washington, D.C., August 1997.)

4. Myth: The phrase “rule of thumb” originated in a man’s right to beat his wife provided the stick was no wider than his thumb.

Fact: This is an urban legend that is still taken seriously by activist law professors and harassment workshoppers. The Oxford English Dictionary has more than twenty citations for phrase “rule of thumb” (the earliest from 1692), but not a single mention of beatings, sticks, or husbands and wives.

(For a definitive debunking of the hoax see Henry Ansgar Kelly, “Rule of Thumb and the Folklaw of the Husband’s Stick,” The Journal of Legal Education, September 1994.)

5. Myth: Women have been shortchanged in medical research.

Fact: The National Institutes of Health and drug companies routinely include women in clinical trials that test for effectiveness of medications. By 1979, over 90% of all NIH-funded trials included women. Beginning in 1985, when the NIH’s National Cancer Center began keeping track of specific cancer funding, it has annually spent more money on breast cancer than any other type of cancer. Currently, women represent over 60% of all subjects in NIH-funded clinical trails.

(Essential reading: Cathy Young and Sally Satel, “The Myth of Gender Bias in Medicine,” Washington, D.C.: The Women’s Freedom Network, 1997.)

6.Myth: Girls have been shortchanged in our gender-biased schools

Fact: No fair-minded person can review the education data and conclude that girls are the have-nots in our schools. Boys are slightly ahead of girls in math and science; girls are dramatically ahead in reading and writing. (The writing skills of 17-year-old boys are at the same level as 14-year- old girls.) Girls get better grades, they have higher aspirations, and they are more likely to go to college.

(See: Trends in Educational Equity of Girls & Women, Washington, D. C.: U.S. Department of Education, June 2000.)

7. Myth: “Our schools are training grounds for sexual harassment… boys are rarely punished, while girls are taught that it is their role to tolerate this humiliating conduct.”

(National Organization of Women, “Issue Report: Sexual Harassment,” April 1998.)

Fact: “Hostile Hallways,” is the best-known study of harassment in grades 8-11. It was commissioned by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in 1993, and is a favorite of many harassment experts. But this survey revealed that girls are doing almost as much harassing as the boys. According to the study, “85 percent of girls and 76 percent of boys surveyed say they have experienced unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior that interferes with their lives.”

(Four scholars at the University of Michigan did a careful follow-up study of the AAUW data and concluded: “The majority of both genders (53%) described themselves as having been both victim and perpetrator of harassment — that is most students had been harassed and had harassed others.” And these researchers draw the right conclusion: “Our results led us to question the simple perpetrator-victim model…”)(See: American Education Research Journal, Summer 1996.)

8. Myth: Girls suffer a dramatic loss of self-esteem during adolescence.

Fact: This myth of the incredible shrinking girls was started by Carol Gilligan, professor of gender studies at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Gilligan has always enjoyed higher standing among feminist activists and journalists than among academic research psychologists. Scholars who follow the protocols of social science do not accept the reality of an adolescent “crisis” of confidence and “loss of voice.” In 1993, American Psychologist reported the new consensus among researchers in adolescent development: “It is now known that the majority of adolescents of both genders successfully negotiate this developmental period without any major psychological or emotional disorder [and] develop a positive sense of personal identity.”

(Anne C. Petersen et al. “Depression in Adolescence,” American Psychologist February 1993; see also, Daniel Offer, and Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, “Debunking the Myths of Adolescence: Findings from Recent Research,” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, November 1992.)

9. Myth: Gender is a social construction.

Fact: While environment and socialization do play a significant role in human life, a growing body of research in neuroscience, endocrinology, and psychology over the past 40 years suggests there is a biological basis for many sex differences in aptitudes and preferences. In general, males have better spatial reasoning skills; females better verbal skills. Males are greater risk takers; females are more nurturing.

Of course, this does not mean that women should be prevented from pursuing their goals in any field they choose; what it does suggest is that we should not expect parity in all fields. More women than men will continue to want to stay at home with small children and pursue careers in fields like early childhood education or psychology; men will continue to be over-represented in fields like helicopter mechanics and hydraulic engineering.

Warning: Most gender scholars in our universities have degrees in fields like English or comparative literature–not biology or neuroscience. These self-appointed experts on sexuality are scientifically illiterate. They substitute dogma and propaganda for reasoned scholarship.

(For a review of recent findings on sex differences see a special issue of The Scientific American “Men: The Scientific Truth,” Fall 2000.)

10. Myth: Women’s Studies Departments empowered women and gave them a voice in the academy.

Fact: Women’s Studies empowered a small group of like-minded careerists. They have created an old-girl network that is far more elitist, narrow and closed than any of the old-boy networks they rail against. Vast numbers of moderate or dissident women scholars have been marginalized, excluded and silenced.

(Essential reading: everything by Camille Paglia; Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge–Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women’s Studies; and Christina Hoff Sommers–Who Stole Feminism? How Women have Betrayed Women)

Principles and goals of the Mens Movement

• PRINCIPLES: we recognize and affirm:

1. The existence of natural differences between the

2. The extreme immorality of certain social forces, and at
the same time, the very real opportunity that these forces
have to deny, ignore, compromise, and repress these
differences and any expression of them.

3. The necessity of cooperation between the genders, and
at the same time the inevitability of opposition between

4. The scientific inconsistency and dubious morality of
any claim by one gender to describe the state, condition,
needs, experiences, or the value of the other gender.
We define the current situation in the following terms:
1. For two generations masculinity and the male gender
have been subject to an all-out attack covering every
sphere, from the world of images and symbolism to that
of common everyday existence, applied systematically
and consistently in every manner and through all means
of communication and cultural diffusion.

2. The term male-bashing extends itself to aesthetics,
opposing their attainment by men which includes the
male body and men's physicality.

3. Every level and gradation within contemporary culture,
and every unit that elaborates on or transmits that culture,
without a single exception, is a tool of this program.

4. This phenomenon is the fundamental cause of
psychological/emotional harm in individuals and social
dysfunctions of an ever-increasing gravity, hindering the
entire male gender and in particular the younger


1. We reject any kind, however indirect, of denigration,
of offensiveness and devaluation, of the ethical, aesthetic,
and intellectual worth of the female gender; we repudiate
any diminution of the symbolic importance of the
feminine, and of the historical importance of female
endeavors visible and invisible, past present and future.


1. The promotion of the essential value of masculinity,
specifically with regard to personal dignity and the
irreplaceable role of the masculine in the world of image
and symbol and of the male gender in every area of life,
spiritual and material, for the benefit of present and
future generations.

2. The identification and condemnation of any instance
of malebashing in every context, form, or style, and any
expression of malebashing, direct or indirect, open or

3. The moral opposition to male-bashing—to the
denigration and demonization of men, the denigration of
male sentiments, attributes, opinions and needs, the
denigration of male contributions and comportment—in
the media, literature, the arts, political discourse,
historiography, scientific tracts, text-books, advertising,
and in every form of expression and means of

4. The restitution of the value and dignity—as well as the
historic role—of past generations of men, by means of
the deconstruction of feminist historiography.

5. The struggle against the cultural ideals of a Feminist
Society and its basic values— therefore against the following:

• The principle of the moral, aesthetic and
intellectual superiority of the female gender;

• The denial of the existence of anti-male

• The criminalization both direct and indirect
of the male gender;

• The planned inhibition of the development
of male consciousness;

• The psychological and chemical emasculation
of the younger generations;

• The domestication and docility of men;

• The use of the male libido for purposes of
speculation,manipulation, intimidation and

• The demand for reparations, material and
moral, for the wrongs, real or imagined,
sustained by the female gender;

• State intrusion into adult sexual relations;

• The presumed permissibility of an autocratic
imposition of behavioral rules upon the male

• The principles of political correctness and
the imposition of its vocabulary.

Posted from:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Feminism's Future?

A great video of Christina Hoff Sommers explaining the future of feminism.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Does Domestic Abuse Against Men Go Unrecognized?

Domestic violence against men goes unrecognized for the following reasons:

  • The incidence of domestic violence against men appears to be so low that it is hard to get reliable estimates.
  • It has taken years of advocacy and support to encourage women to report domestic violence. Virtually nothing has been done to encourage men to report abuse.
  • The idea that men could be victims of domestic abuse and violence is so unthinkable to most people that many men will not even attempt to report the situation.
  • The counseling and psychological community have responded to domestic abuse and violence against women. Not enough has been done to stop abuse against women. There has been very little investment in resources to address the issues of domestic abuse and violence against men.
  • In most cases, the actual physical damage inflicted by men is so much greater than the actual physical harm inflected by women. The impact of domestic violence is less apparent and less likely to come to the attention of others.
  • Even when men do report domestic abuse and violence, most people are so astonished, men usually end up feeling like nobody would believe them. It is widely assumed than a man with a bruise or black eye was in a fight with another man or was injured on the job or while playing contact sports. Women generally don't do those things.
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Great anti-feminist books to read

I feel that it would be great to show a list of books that I feel will help understand what is going on with feminism and the discrimination against males.

Knowledge is power, the power that can help change things.

Books to read:
The War on Boys by Christina Hoff Sommers
Save the Males by Kathleen Parker
Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say by Warren Farrell
Women Who Make the World Worse by Kate O'Brien
Domestic Tranquility: A Brief Against Feminism by F. Carolyn Graglia
Feminist Fantasies by Phyllis Schlafly

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Voice for Men

Recently I came across a website called

It promotes and offers information, perspective, and most importantly direction for men living in the age of virulent misandry.

Explains the lies and true motives of the Feminist movement.

I am glad to see that there are more websites fighting against feminism and showing the world the truth.

I suggest visiting the website and take a look for yourself.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Made a petition!

I made a petition to end feminism.

The goal is to get 100,000 signatures.

I want to help spread the lie that is feminism and help others fight for equality.

Tell your wives, girlfriends, mothers, sisters, daughters and so on. The more girls realize this, the better chance we have at real equality, not the female supremacy dream of the feminists.

Go to: